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Product information "Micro Matic cleaning container 5 litres"
Micro Matic cleaning container 5 litres
made of plastic, bulbous, without fitting. Application area
not for commercial use, but
for the caterer. Use maximum 1 x per week
recommended (shelf life 5 years).
Colour may change depending on manufacturer.
Please select a fitting that fits your tap head in the article version.
- with: Flat fitting for RB plastic,
- with: Combination fitting for RB plastic,
- with: Basket fitting forRB plastic,
- with: Köpi fitting forRB plastic
You can find more cleaning containers HERE
When selecting the complete cleaning container or when selecting the replacement fitting for the cleaning container,please note that it must fit your KEG dispensing head must fit your KEG dispensing head, you can choose between flat, basket, king or combi fitting. Please note that the combi fitting is a separate system and does not fit all other systems.
Fill the container with water and cleaning agent, push the tap head onto the container, open the tap until the cleaning fluid comes out, close the tap. Allow the cleaning liquid to stand in the dispensing system, including the beverage line, for 20 minutes, then open the tap and completely empty the beer line cleaning agent. Then tap (rinse) the beverage dispenser again with 2 complete water fillings of the cleaning container.
Beverage Dispense Systems GmbH
Kopernikusstrasse 4
50126 Bergheim
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30 May 2021 13:43
Sehr zufrieden mt dem Reinigungsbehälter von Micro Matic
Der Micro Matic Reinigungsbehälter 5ltr ist Spitze! Funktioniert perfekt! Die Handhabung und die Reinigung der Zapfanlage ist kinderleicht! Nach der Überprüfung mit einem Indikatorstreifen ist alles wieder clean und bereit für neuen Biergenuss!!! Bin total begeistert und zufrieden! Kann ich nur empfehlen!
Wie oft muss die Zapfanlage gereinigt werden?
Wissenswertes über Bierzapfanlagen